Scripts Update Notifications

Unlike Fantastico, which updated scripts every few weeks to every few months (and we would post those updates in our status blog), Installatron and Softaculous rarely go a day without releasing an updated script (and/or a new script). For this reason we no longer make these announcements in our blog, because the amount of posts would be overwhelming!

Both Installatron and Softaculous offer an email notification option, to alert you when any installed script has an update available. The also offer RSS options, and each Twitter feed is mainly used to post new script additions and updates.

Installatron Whats New Page:
Installatron RSS Feed of Script Updates and New Scripts:
Installatron Twitter Feed:


Softaculous Script News:
Softaculous RSS Feed of Script Updates and New Scripts:
Softaculous Twitter Feed:

Please remember to always keep any installed scripts updated, to protect your website from intruders.

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