Script Support
When installing a new script through an Auto-Installer, please remember that we didn't develop the script and therefore can't provide support for it. At the final screen of the install you'll be given information about the script you installed and a link to that scripts' support forum or website. Please make a note of it to save yourself some time when you need it.
Requirements and Dependencies
Just like software you install on your home computer, each web application script has certain requirements, an "environment" they will work within; as well as dependencies, other software that needs to be also installed on the server in order for the script you're installing to run properly. Most script developers write scripts that will run on the average hosting server, but ocassionally you may come across a script that has some unique requirements which are not common to a shared hosting environment. This is especially true of the video-sharing scripts and social networking (Facebook clone) scripts. Some scripts will only function properly on a VPS or dedicated server, which would allow you to fine-tune the server environment.
It is your responsibility to research any script you want to install, and verify any dependencies that may be needed for it. If you come back to us with a specific list we can let you know if those requirements exist, and/or if we are able to make changes to the server settings or install a dependency to allow your script to function properly. There may be some scripts that require a custom php.ini put in your docroot.
One last consideration is disk space. Though we've taken great pains to match the script availability to each hosting plans' specifications, with some scripts such as photo blogs or image galleries (which can be very large files, especially if they aren't optimized), it's possible that over time you may need to upgrade your account or purchase extra disk space. We'll let you know long before that happens, however, with an email from our system.