Managing Your Website Through cPanel:
cPanel is your Website Hosting Control Panel, where you can manage most aspects of your website including email and spam filtering settings, website access logs, databases, subdomains, custome error pages and more.
If you're unfamiliar with cPanel, there are many resources available to you:
- cPanel User Guide. Written by cPanel, these written tutorials give an overview to each section of cPanel. There may be slight variations between the default cPanel installation and our servers.
- cPanel Video Tutorials If you find videos easier to learn by, cPanel offers a wide variety of short video tutorials, including a "Getting Started" video. These can be found by logging into your cPanel and going to "Video Tutorials" (or the "Getting Started Wizard") in the top section. You must be logged into cPanel for this link to work.
- Hello World Web's FAQs We offer several sections of FAQs geared specifically towards our clients, and are adding more all the time. Please check the FAQs before submitting a support ticket.
- Our Client Portal Online Support Desk For questions you can't find the answer to, or any hosting support issues you may have, help is only a support ticket away!
NOTE: SSL (https) is required to login to cPanel, and the first time you login you will see a security alert (domain name mismatch) from your browser. This is because the server SSL is allocated to the server host name, not your own domain. Simply authorize a security exception through your browser and you shouldn't see this alert again.